Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My First Mocumentary.

I would like to preface this post by saying that I really love the word, "preface".
Now, on we go.
Filmmaker, actress, and officially St. John's Film Festival blogger, Irene Duma wanted three great last HURRAHS for her festival blog. (all week at the fest she was running around with a notepad. Little did we realize our random nonsense would be quoted and posted for the world to see -- fun stuff.)
The first of her three video "hurrahs" is a mocumentary about Ontario festival goers dealing with their post-festival depression now that they're home.It's full of inside jokes that only St. John's fest goers would get, and it's very much intended FOR them. We know that. We accept that.There are other funny things in it for all to enjoy as well though. Things such as Rachel Peters trying out some gratuitous slapstick and exploring the humour in the word "corn". And crying.

Inside stuff:

Kelly Davis = Fest director
Noreen GULFman = Fest CEO/creator
"The Song" = the theme song of the fest's 2007 animated trailer, which was animated by yours truly, and played all the live-long fest.
NIFCO = NFLD Indi Film Co-op
Rosemary House = a lady... who, for half the fest, I thought was an organization. "The Rosemary House", like "The Ronald McDonald House". She turned out to be a lady.


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